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How we got someone a 180K Comp Bump

Here's how we got John a $180K compensation increase. We identified a role which creates more value for employers...

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How to crush your interviews

Firstly, understand that the purpose of an interview process is to build an argument for why the company should hire you.‍ This argument...

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How to negotiate a 50K+ compensation increase

We helped a candidate negotiate a $50K+ offer increase. Here’s how: 1. We identified the best possible role to target to maximize the...

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How to get tons of interviews

Do the following to get yourself interviews: 1. Identify 10+ posts that fit your target role 2. Identify the 6 most common responsibilities.

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I've hacked myself into being happier. Here's how:

You can't optimize what you haven't defined, so this step is important.I define happiness at any given moment as the level of positive em...

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How to find jobs on LinkedIn

Here's 1 hack that cuts our search process per candidate down by several hours a week.‍..

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Lyft CEO, Instacart COO, and other execs reply to our candidates. Here's why

Here's why this works: We write concisely, We highlight the candidate's most impressive achievement in their target role using metric...

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We're getting jobseekers 100K+ compensation increases. Here's how.

In order for you to land a role that pays $XXXK+ you need to create 5X that number or more for your employer...

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A CEO once called my email the best they've ever seen. Here's the email I sent them.

The 3 C’s (Concise, Clear, Compelling), and almost every good email has them. This email, combined with the documents I attached...

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How I automated my job search to land 30+ interviews during the pandemic

TL;DR: I got myself ~30+ interviews doing this and it takes an hour to set up (once your resume / background is pitched right)....

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6 principles that can skyrocket your chance of landing a job in 2021

There are 6 principles I weave into almost every single sales and marketing pitch, whether I’m pitching myself for a job, or trying to cl...

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Always negotiate

Always negotiate‍ At best, you’ll get what you want. At worst, they’ll respect you for negotiating....

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Advanced interview technique: Tweak your authority level

During any interview process, you can tweak several non-verbal variables to signal different ideas about yourself....

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How math can help you close offers

Figuring out how much $$ to ask for doesn’t have to be hard. Consider doing this...

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How you can connect with Peter Thiel (Pay Pal founder) and other high rollers

I've convinced Peter Thiel (Pay Pal founder), Steve Wozniak's newest cofounder, and executives at companies worth $300MN to meet with me...

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You can apply to 1000 jobs in 10 hours. Here’s how. 😱

For example, if I was looking for a full-time social media role, I would enter the following into LinkedIn’s job search portal: ("social ...

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20 interviews a month with 0 job applications

Imagine being able to open up your LinkedIn to a flood of messages from recruiters asking you if you’re open to an interview.‍ That’s the...

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3 Interviews in 30 seconds. Here's how.

A Relentless member got a “huge response” from recruiters and “3 interviews” in 1 night by doing this...

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Land interviews at top tech companies 30 seconds or less 😵‍💫

Identify a challenge: ask questions to understand the main priorities they’re working towards and the challenges they’re facing at their...

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The secret to selling 🤫

The sooner you realize this, the sooner you will see how sales and marketing principles used to sell household products can be used to se...

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The "best cold email" I've ever written

I've gotten a mix of reactions to the emails I've written. Below is a screenshot of a reply from a CEO at a company I wanted to work at...

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Meet execs from Fortune 500s and Deloitte with 0 effort 😲

Job seekers I’ve worked with have landed coffee chats with people at companies like Deloitte and Fortune 500s with 0 effort.. Here’s how you

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Rejecting Rejections 2.0

I once cold emailed someone pitching myself for a job.‍ They rejected me.‍ Apparently, my outreach wasn't personalized enough...

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You've been rejected. Now what?

If you're giving up after the first no, that's far too early. I got rejected during Bain's resume screening last year so I emailed the re...

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Triple your response rates

Follow up. Not once, not twice, but at the very least 3 times.‍More often than not, you'll be respected for it....

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Rejecting rejections

I was helping someone with their job search when they got a rejection from a recruiter.‍Most people would accept this and walk away....

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My favorite story on persistence

I've written a stream of posts on the importance of persisting in the face of job interview rejections or life's difficulties. Below is m...

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6 months of failure

After getting rejected from over a hundred companies, I almost gave up. Then, I landed a role at an a16z-backed startup. The best par...

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The key to evaluating job offers

...beyond what they're willing to pay you.

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Applying for a specific role?

Ask yourself these 5 questions first:

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The Proven Cold Email Pitch Template You Can Steal To Land More Job Interviews

Landing job interviews by cold emailing hiring managers is easy. …you just need to know what to say, and how to say it.

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10 Ways to Improve Your Professional Resume

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This person landed a job for $5MN total compensation

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This job-search took 2 weeks. Here's why.

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Why you aren't happy

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The #1 Interviewing Approach

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I got Open AI CEO Sam Altman on the phone. Here's how.

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The Scariest Interview Question: "What salary range are you targeting?"

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This resume generated 50 interviews in a single month. Here's why.

‍Disclaimer: I changed a few points on the resume (e.g. name, number, address, slightly changed metrics, etc.) to maintain client confide...

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How to Negotiate Compensation: A 5 Step Framework

In any sales process, you need to go through the following stages BEFORE you can come up with a fair price...

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30 interviews a month at companies like Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, and Stripe. Here's how.

This 6-minute read will teach you a process you can use to get 30 interviews a month at places like Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, Stripe, and...

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